Welcome to Queen Liz's fan page!

Love Queen Lizzie casue she will never die and is the best person ever: Wow.

she is; bold strong beautiful and kind.

She is the best person in the world and has cool gurds with nice hats. Heres a pic broski:

She is a role modle to us all and is imortal she is super duper english and loves all children (except Sophia Grace Oliver)

This is what she looks like

Here's what to do when meeting her:

If you are lucky enough (or as cool as me) you shall meet the queen. She will love you if you greet her dogs before her and make sure to take a free one on your way out. Now we must discuss the weird man that is sophia, he shall never meet the queen becuase he is a ginger. Also as a way to support the queen you can buy some cool merch like this (modled by sophia)...

To learn more about queen liz, check out this website Wow.